Fuel Efficiency Tips Fo r Your Car Or Truck


Fuel efficiency is a key factor when it comes to making your vehicle go farther on a tank of gas. Using common sense and good driving techniques can make your car or truck more fuel efficient.


Look for vehicles that are rated for 23 MPG or higher in combined EPA fuel economy ratings. Removing extra items from your vehicle can also help improve fuel efficiency.

1. Buy a car w 서울운전연수 ith a good MPG rating

If you’re in the market for a new car, you should make fuel efficiency a top priority. Not only will a good MPG rating save you money at the pump, but it will also help reduce emissions that cause pollution.

MPG (miles per gallon) is the number of miles a vehicle can travel on one tank of gas. It is commonly expressed as a percentage, with a lower number indicating better fuel economy.

There are a variety of factors that contribute to a car’s MPG rating. Some of these include the weight of the vehicle and its engine size. Heavier vehicles require more gasoline to move around, while larger engines waste more fuel by producing more power.

It’s also important to remember that the EPA estimates are based on ideal driving conditions, and your mileage may vary significantly. When looking for a car, ask the dealer to provide you with its MPG ratings for city and highway driving, as well as its estimated maintenance costs.

2. Avoid aggressive driving

It’s widely understood that aggressive driving can put a dent in fuel efficiency, but it has been difficult to quantify just how much gas this type of driving wastes. Now researchers from the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have determined that speeding and slamming on the brakes can decrease fuel economy by up to 10-40% in stop-and-go traffic, and up to 15-30% at highway speeds. That amounts to losing around $0.25 to $1 per gallon.

One of the main causes of aggressive driving is late braking, which wastes an essential benefit of acceleration: momentum. The more a vehicle accelerates, the less effort it takes to maintain speed, thanks to Sir Issac Newton’s law of inertia.

It’s also important to keep your vehicle’s tires inflated at the recommended pressure, as under-inflated tires can increase fuel consumption by up to 1.5%. Also, make sure your vehicle’s gas cap is properly secured, as 147 million gallons of gasoline vaporize each year due to loose or missing caps.

3. Service your vehicle regularly

Many people avoid servicing their vehicles because of the cost, but in the long run, it pays to invest a little money into a vehicle that will function at its best. This saves you a lot of time, money and stress down the line. During the servicing process, any issues that may be occurring can be diagnosed and repaired before they become serious problems.

There are a number of car maintenance procedures that can improve your fuel efficiency, including replacing spark plugs and ensuring the gas cap is working correctly. These small things can make a big difference, especially during this age of skyrocketing fuel prices.

Regular maintenance also helps to keep your engine running as cleanly and efficiently as possible, positively impacting the environment. This is something that every driver should be doing to ensure they are getting the most out of their vehicle.

5. Avoid unnecessary idling

Leaving a vehicle running when not in use wastes fuel and produces unnecessary greenhouse gases. While some idling is unavoidable, it should be kept to a minimum.

Idling consumes about a gallon of fuel every hour and emits more pollution than driving at highway speeds. It can also damage engine components and shorten their useful life.

A vehicle’s engine must be started and stopped many times while idling, which causes additional wear on the starter motor and battery. To reduce idling, consider purchasing vehicles with “stop-start” technology, which shuts off the engine when your foot is taken off the brake pedal and starts again automatically when you put your foot back down. This technology is now available on some conventional gasoline-powered cars. Idling can also be avoided by using the air conditioning when parked, parking in the shade and keeping extra cargo out of the trunk to prevent evaporation of fuel.

6. Change your oil

A fresh supply of clean engine oil reduces friction, which in turn increases fuel efficiency and extends the life of your engine. However, if you don’t change your oil regularly, the dirt and grit that accumulate in your engine will cause it to work harder, consuming more gas.

An easy way to tell if it’s time for an oil change is by looking at the dipstick. If the oil is dark brown or black, it’s time to change it. Some manufacturers offer carmaker-approved extended-life oils, which are designed to go longer between changes, but they cost more than standard oil.

Fuel efficiency is important for saving money at the pump and helping the environment, so it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s maintenance recommendations. Other ways to improve your vehicle’s fuel efficiency include carpooling, combining trips and using cruise control when possible. You can also save on gas by driving less, and by purchasing a vehicle with good fuel economy ratings.