Is Protein Powder Right For You?

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, gain muscle, improve sports performance or just feel better, protein powder is a quick way to fill your daily dietary needs.


However, not all protein powders are created equal and it’s important to understand which ones are best for you. To help you navigate the confusing world of protein powders, we asked registered dietitians and certified athletic trainers for their top picks.

It’s convenient

Protein powder is a convenient way to add protein to your diet. It can be used as a substitute for meat, fish, eggs or dairy products or can be mixed into drinks and shakes to boost the amount of protein in a meal or snack.

Many people use protein powder to help them achieve their fitness goals, such as losing weight or building muscle mass. They may also want to increase their overall protein intake because protein is important for immune function, hormone synthesis and more.

However, it’s important to remember that protein powder is not a replacement for eating a balanced, healthy diet. You still need to eat a variety of foods in order to get enough protein each day, says registered dietitian Kate Patton, MEd, RD, CSSD, LD.

It’s best to get most of your protein from whole foods, such as lean meats, fish, eggs and dairy. You can also eat beans, nuts, and seeds.

Athletes often use protein powder to help them meet their daily protein needs and support muscle growth after workouts. They may also use it as a quick snack before or after exercising, explains Dr. Vogt von Heselholt, director of the Institute of Sports Medicine and Exercise Science at New York University School of Medicine.

The best protein powders will contain at least 20 grams of protein per serving and are preferably low in fat, calories and carbs. They should be made with a high-quality protein source and be free of artificial sweeteners and flavorings.

Some plant-based protein powders can be a great way to get protein without eating meat or dairy. They are typically low in fat and cholesterol and can provide the same amount of protein as a serving of meat or poultry.

Another benefit of plant-based protein powders is that they can be a good source of fiber. They are also high in vitamins and minerals, making them a good addition to any diet.

If you’re looking for a protein powder, it’s important to read the label carefully and find one that is certified by NSF International’s Certified for Sport or the USP or Informed Choice, according to St. Pierre. It’s also important to look for a protein powder that is sourced from a reputable company with good manufacturing practices.

It’s a good source of protein

Protein powder is a popular nutritional supplement that is high in protein and can help to maintain muscle mass. It is a great option for athletes and older adults who have difficulty getting enough protein through diet alone. It also may be helpful for people who are vegetarian or vegan and have allergies to milk, eggs or meat.

There are several types of protein powder available, including whey, casein, soy and plant-based proteins. Some of these contain added vitamins, minerals or other nutrients. Others are purely protein-based and do not include any other ingredients. Check the ingredient list to see what is included and choose a powder that contains no added sugars.

Whey protein is the most common form of protein powder, and it is easy to find in a variety of forms. It’s low in fat, calories and carbs and provides the ideal amino acid profile for stimulating muscle growth. It is also low in lactose and has a high biological value, meaning it is very well-absorbed by the body.

Some powders also contain additional ingredients, such as probiotics or enzyme blends. These are usually not necessary, but they may provide a few extra benefits.

Another important thing to look for is whether a powder has a Biological Value (BV) score. This is a measure of the proportion of the protein that becomes absorbed into the body and then used to produce new proteins. The higher the BV, the more amino acids it contains.

It’s also important to look for a product that has been third-party tested for heavy metals and other toxins. An independent study by the Clean Label Project found that many protein powders contain toxins such as lead, arsenic and mercury.

In addition, some powders contain BPA, a chemical often found in plastics, and other chemicals that can have a negative impact on health. If a product has a certificate of analysis, it can be safe to use as long as you read the labels carefully.

It’s best to consume protein from whole foods, such as lean proteins, nuts and seeds, soy products, legumes and other plant-based sources. These foods are naturally rich in protein, fiber, other nutrients and phytonutrients. They can also help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases.

It’s low in fat

Protein powder is a convenient source of protein that can be mixed into many different foods. It can be used to make smoothies, soups, beverages, cookies, granola bars, and hot cereals.

It can also be used to replace meals or snacks, making it ideal for people who are on a low-calorie diet. Depending on the type of protein powder you choose, it may contain added nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, that can help improve your overall health.

The key is to choose a protein powder that has the right amount of protein. You should aim to have 20-40 grams of protein per serving, averaging about the same amount as a can of tuna or a cup of cooked lentils.

You should also look for a protein powder that contains at least 5 grams of fiber, which can increase your feelings of satiety and prevent you from overeating. You should also avoid added sugar and artificial sweeteners.

Another important factor is to check the brand’s reputation. The best brands are third-party tested, such as NSF Certified for Sport or Informed Choice, to ensure they are safe and high quality.

Some people with heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure have to remove saturated fats from their diets because they can cause health problems. Choosing a protein powder that contains no saturated fat and no trans fats can be a big help in losing weight or maintaining your current weight.

Using a plant-based protein powder is also an option, but be sure to read the ingredient list carefully to make sure you are not consuming any fillers or additives that can be harmful.

In addition to containing protein, most protein powders are made with other sports nutrition ingredients, such as creatine, a key amino acid that can boost muscle performance during high-intensity workouts. It can also help promote a faster recovery.

The OWYN Protein powder is another excellent choice, supplying a range of plant-based proteins with a combination of pea, pumpkin and chia seeds. It also contains organic greens, probiotics, omega 3s and trace minerals.

It’s high in protein

Whether you’re an athlete, an office worker, or just trying to stay healthy, protein powder is a convenient way to get your daily protein requirements. However, protein powder isn’t a substitute for whole foods and may not provide the same health benefits as other protein-rich foods.

Adding protein to your diet from whole foods is important for maintaining a strong immune system, building lean muscle mass, and helping you maintain a healthy weight. Protein is found in meat, fish, poultry, dairy, beans, lentils and other plant-based sources.

When choosing a protein powder, consider the quality of the source and whether it contains all essential amino acids. You can check a product’s Biological Value (BV), which measures the percentage of protein that is digestible and absorbed into your body. You can also check the Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS), which takes into account your body’s ability to break down and absorb protein.

A good source of protein should have a PDCAAS score of at least 60, which means it is high in the amino acids your body needs to build muscles. Some people may need more or less protein than this, so it’s always best to consult with your doctor before adding a new nutrient to your diet.

If you’re looking for a plant-based protein powder, a pea protein blend is a good choice. This is a lower-calorie alternative to other types of plant proteins, like whey or casein, and it provides all of the essential amino acids your body needs.

It’s also a low-calorie option for dieters, with 26 grams of protein and 110 calories per scoop. It also has 10mg of digestive enzymes to help you avoid bloating.

Protein powder is a great way to increase your protein intake, but it’s important to choose a quality product. Make sure you look for a brand that has third-party certification, such as NSF Certified for Sport or Informed Choice Sports.

You should also look for a product that has been third-party tested to check for heavy metals. These are often found in contaminated ingredients, and exposure to them can be dangerous to your health.