Mattress Disinfection

If possible, clean your mattress outdoors on a warm, sunny, not-too-humid day. Sunlight acts as a natural disinfectant by killing bacteria with UV rays and helping the mattress dry faster.

If stains and/or odors persist, mix a solution of equal parts hydrogen 매트리스청소 peroxide and baking soda to make a paste. Apply the paste directly onto the stain, and leave it for several hours to absorb odors.

Bed Bug Spray

Bed bugs are an irritating pest that can cause itchy bites and loss of sleep. They are most active during the night and like to hide in tight spaces. They are a difficult insect to eradicate and may require professional assistance.

Bed bug spray can be used to get rid of the pests. It contains ingredients that penetrate the outer shell of the insect and suffocate it. The chemical also destroys eggs and prevents reproduction. It is available in sprays and powders. Some products combine a bactericide, fungicide and sanitizer for added effectiveness. The spray is applied to the areas where the pests are observed and any other surfaces they are hiding on.

In addition to the mattress, spray the seams of drawers, under and around the sides of furniture, behind baseboards, in closets and around doors. Be sure to thoroughly vacuum the area after treatment and use a sticky tape to pick up any remaining insects.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural deodoriser that can help combat mattress infection by breaking down smelly acids, removing moisture, and killing germs. It also works as a gentle abrasive that can lift and remove stubborn stains. Regularly vacuuming and spot-cleaning your mattress is key to maintaining a healthy, clean sleeping environment.

Mixing equal parts of baking soda and vinegar creates a powerful cleaning solution that is safe to use on your mattress and kills bacteria. This mixture will also help lift and remove stains from your mattress, making it look and feel like new.

Pour this mixture into a spray bottle to allow for easy application and even distribution across the surface of your mattress. Leave it on for several hours or overnight to fully absorb odours and disinfect the mattress. Vacuum the mattress afterward to remove the baking soda and let it dry completely before remaking it. This will ensure that your mattress is fresh and ready for a good night’s sleep.


Virtually everything needs maintenance: Cars need oil changes, clothing needs laundering and homes need plumbing, roofing and electrical work. Mattresses are no exception, and they need regular cleaning and disinfecting. This helps ward off bacteria, dust mites and odors that can be caused by sweat or urine.

To combat sweat and odors, mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle and lightly mist the mattress surface. Be careful not to saturate the mattress, however. Soaked mattresses are prone to mold and mildew.

For urine stains, first dab the spot with paper towels to remove as much of the stain as possible. Next, sprinkle the area with baking soda and let it sit overnight to absorb any remaining moisture or odors. Then, vacuum the mattress.

Rubbing Alcohol

If you want to disinfect your mattress, the best solution is rubbing alcohol. It kills germs, and it can be used to lift stains as well. The trick is to use a small amount and let it dry completely. You should also spot test your mattress before applying rubbing alcohol because it can discolor some materials.

If a stain persists, you can try treating it with baking soda or white vinegar. However, you should only apply it to the surface of your mattress as a soggy mattress is breeding ground for mildew and mold.

If you’re worried about a chemical smell, you can use natural deodorizers such as baby powder or talcum powder on your mattress. Another option is an enzyme cleaner, which breaks down odors and is safe for most mattresses and upholstery. However, remember that an enzyme cleaner won’t kill bed bugs, so it’s important to follow a complete extermination process. Also, be sure to vacuum your mattress thoroughly to remove any leftover dust.